Project X is now Nadles. Learn more →

Be faster than your competitors

We help API-first companies deliver their products to customers within minutes instead of months by taking over secondary tasks that you otherwise have to repeat for every API.

Integrated suite of monetization components

We bring together everything that's required to monetize API products, so that you can turn you APIs into attractive products in a matter of minutes.

  • Billing and subscriptions
  • Automated usage tracking, API key and access management
  • Self-service customer onboarding
  • Instant global tax compliance and payment integration

Deliver great developer experiences fast - without the need to write code.

Gateway to international sales

Planning to serve customers from other countries?
Use our ready-made PSP integration with Paddle, a Merchant of Record that handles Sales tax, VAT and GST for you.
Or Stripe, if you prefer.

  • Paddle integration for MoR
  • Stripe integration for maximum flexibility and lowest fees
  • Easy setup
  • No middleman: get paid directly
  • No additional transaction fees

Unparalleled versatility

For years, API providers have been limited to "Pay per API call" model.

With Nadles you can finally adopt modern pricing.

  • Free-form billable metrics
  • Dynamic usage configuration
  • Adjustable purchase quantities
  • Spend limits

Minutes instead of months

Nadles significantly reduces the Time to Market for your API with close to zero integration effort.

You only need a couple of mouse clicks to configure a new product, experiment with pricing models or switch payment solution providers.

Designed to help you grow your API business

Our pricing works for API providers at any stage.


Ideal for beginners.

€0 /month
  • 10% transaction fee*
  • Free until you have paying customers
  • API checkout links
  • Custom themes
  • Subdomain *
Start now →


When your business takes off.

€39 /month
  • No transaction fees**
  • 5 million API calls
    + €12.9 another 1M calls***
  • API checkout links
  • Custom themes
  • Your own domain name
  • Full monetization suite
Free trial →


Volume discount for high-traffic APIs.

€299 /month
  • No transaction fees**
  • 50 million API calls
    + €12.9 another 1M calls***
  • API checkout links
  • Custom themes
  • Your own domain name
  • Full monetization suite
Free trial →

Couldn't find the right plan? Contact sales at

*Nadles charges transaction fee on the full transaction amount.

**Nadles doesn't charge transaction fees. Payment service providers, however, may charge fees.

***Rounded up to the next full million.

Frequently asked questions

How does it work?

You configure your products on Nadles, generate checkout links for them and use these links as URLs for "Subscribe" buttons on the pricing page of your website.

When customers click "Subscribe" on your website, they get to the checkout page hosted by Nadles where they can subscribe to your product, pay and start using your API.

Our API gateway and billing engine work together to provide access to your APIs and bill your customers according to the product configuration defined by you.

With Nadles, you don't need to write code to implement subscriptions.

You configure various product (also know as "subscription plan") parameters like number of API calls included, pricing, available endpoints, allowed ranges for query string parameters, etc.

Our API gateway and billing engine implement these rules — so that customers get exactly what they pay for when they subscribe.


Nadles takes care of customers coming from your website, ensuring smooth onboarding for them and the lowest PSP fees for you.

You remain free to post your API on marketplaces to get more revenue streams.

Yes, you can bring your own domain name for your API.

Nadles will issue a SSL-certificate for it for free.


Nadles adds minimal latency to API calls, so you can use it as a monetization layer on top of your existing infrastructure.

If you're already using an API gateway to secure your API, you can issue an access key for Nadles and Nadles will send that key with each request.

Naddles is preparing a white-label solution. Contact to learn more.

The best catalog for your products is the pricing page on your website. A separate catalog makes customer journey to subscription longer, which may result in lower conversion rates.

Contact us at and we'll get back to you with the answer.

Start your free trial today

Try Nadles for 14 days. No credit card required.

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